NCP Play Proposals
Please fill out the form below in its entirety. The more detail and specificity the better.
Please only submit 1 play per season. Submission periods will take place each summer and fall.
What kinds of plays are we looking for?
Classic, contemporary, and new plays.
Plays that are well written: a combination of strong and distinct characters, clear plotting, and powerful storytelling.
Plays that pack an emotional punch: anything that leaves the audience with a lump in the throat, a punch in their gut, a tear in their eye, an aha moment, or a burning question.
Plays that have something to say about what it means to be human: emotionally, spiritually, relationally, psychologically, etc.
Plays that ask big questions and don’t necessarily provide clear cut answers.
Plays that represent the diversity of our region in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and more.
Plays that have won major awards, played on Broadway, and/or played Off-Broadway.
Plays that make sense to produce at Island City Stage (I.E. - a play that absolutely requires 2 stories will not work)
Keep in mind we rarely produce shows with large casts (7+) unless they are well known, popular, and have been widely produced.
New Plays that present an opportunity for our ensemble to develop.